Bolo de Bolacha Recipe

I’ve got something exciting to share with you today: a bolo de bolacha recipe. I think you’re going to love this one! It’s a Portuguese classic that’s perfect for any occasion.

The combination of textures and flavors is just incredible. I don’t know how it’s not more popular outside Portugal, but I can tell you that once you try it, you’ll want to make it over and over again.

easy bolo de bolacha recipe
easy bolo de bolacha recipe

Table of Content

How did I learn this dish?

I don’t know how I first stumbled upon the easy bolo de bolacha recipe, but I think it was during one of my culinary adventures through Portugal. But I can tell you that it was love at first bite! I remember walking through a quaint Portuguese town, and this dessert caught my eye in a small café window.

I decided to give it a try, and the combination of creamy custard and coffee-soaked biscuits was just irresistible. I knew I had to learn how to make it myself. I spent some time with a local baker who showed me the ropes, and ever since, it’s been a favorite in my kitchen.

This recipe has a rich history, originating in Portugal and enjoyed by families for generations:

  • Café Culture: Bolo de bolacha is often enjoyed with a cup of coffee, making it a staple in Portuguese café culture.

  • Family Tradition: Many Portuguese families pass down their own versions of this recipe, each adding their own unique twist.

Learning this dish was not just about mastering a recipe; it was about connecting with the culture and traditions of Portugal. Now, every time I make it, I’m reminded of that charming café and the warmth of Portuguese hospitality.


Craving something sweet and unique? Dive into the delicious layers of our bolo de bolacha recipe, where creamy bliss meets coffee-soaked biscuits!

Category: Dessert
Cuisine: Portuguese
Servings: 6
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: No cooking required (requires chilling time of at least 4 hours)
Calories: Approximately 350 calories per serving

Bolo de Bolacha
Bolo de Bolacha


200g Maria biscuits
300ml strong brewed coffee (cooled)
200g unsalted butter (softened)
150g powdered sugar
4 egg yolks
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Cocoa powder or chocolate shavings (for garnish)


Mixing bowls
Electric mixer or whisk
Serving platter or cake stand
Coffee maker or pot (for brewing coffee)
Small saucepan (optional, if you want to make the custard on the stove)
Plastic wrap or aluminum foil (for covering the dish while chilling)

Method of Instruction

I think you’re going to love making bolo de bolacha! Let’s dive right in.

Step 1: Washing Hands

Start by washing your hands thoroughly. Clean hands are the first step to a delicious dessert.

Step 2: Prepare the Coffee

Brew 300ml of strong coffee and let it cool. This will be used to soak the biscuits.

Step 3: Make the Cream

In a mixing bowl, beat 200g of softened unsalted butter with 150g of powdered sugar until light and fluffy. This should take about 5 minutes. Add the 4 egg yolks one at a time, beating well after each addition. Finally, mix in 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.

Step 4: Soak the Biscuits

Dip each Maria biscuit into the cooled coffee for a few seconds. Make sure they are soaked but not too soggy.

Step 5: Assemble the Layers

On a serving platter, start with a layer of coffee-soaked biscuits. Spread a layer of the buttercream over the biscuits. Repeat this process, alternating layers of biscuits and cream, until all ingredients are used up. I think you’ll find it fun to see the layers build up!

Step 6: Chill the Cake

Cover the assembled cake with plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours, but I can tell you that overnight chilling makes it even better.

Step 7: Garnish

Before serving, sprinkle cocoa powder or chocolate shavings on top for a nice finish. It adds a lovely touch of chocolatey goodness.

Step 8: Slice and Serve

Carefully slice the receita de bolo de bolacha tradicional and serve chilled. The layers should hold together beautifully, and the flavors will be perfectly melded.

Recipe Video

Bolo de bolacha

This is the video about how to make bolo de bolacha recipe at home.

Author: Just Cook With Mich

Rated: 4.1 of 5.0 from 124 reviews.

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Creative Ways of Serving Bolo de Bolacha

1. Classic Slice

I don’t know how you feel about the classics, but I can tell you that a simple slice of bolo de bolacha maria com café on a white plate always looks elegant.

2. Individual Portions

Think about serving bolo de bolacha (receita antiga) in small, individual cups. It’s perfect for parties and gives everyone their own little dessert.

3. Layered Parfait

I think layering bolo de bolacha receita portuguesa with fresh fruit and whipped cream in a glass can make a stunning parfait. It adds a refreshing twist.

4. Chocolate Drizzle

But I can tell you that a drizzle of melted chocolate over each slice can elevate the presentation and add an extra layer of flavor.

5. Fresh Berries

Add some fresh berries on top for a burst of color and a hint of tartness. It’s a great way to make the dessert feel a bit more summery.

6. Mint Garnish

I think a few fresh mint leaves can add a pop of color and a fresh aroma. It’s simple but makes a difference.

7. Biscuit Crumbs

But I can tell you that sprinkling some crushed Maria biscuits on top adds a delightful crunch and ties everything together.

8. Whipped Cream

Top each slice with a dollop of whipped cream for an extra indulgent touch. It’s like the cherry on top of a sundae!

9. Coffee Ice Cream

Serve a slice with a scoop of coffee ice cream on the side. I think the combination of flavors is absolutely divine.

10. Holiday Twist

Decorate the top with edible gold dust or festive sprinkles during the holidays. It makes the dessert look even more special.

10 Tips for Making Bolo de Bolacha

bolo de bolacha receita portuguesa
bolo de bolacha receita portuguesa

Start with Quality Ingredients

I don’t know how many times I’ve said this, but using the best quality ingredients makes all the difference.

Soften the Butter Properly

I think it’s crucial to let the butter soften at room temperature for a smooth, creamy texture.

Brew Strong Coffee

But I can tell you that brewing a strong coffee adds a deeper flavor to your biscuits.

Don’t Over-soak the Biscuits

Just dip the biscuits quickly in coffee. Over-soaking can make them too soggy.

Beat the Cream Well

Take your time to beat the butter and sugar until it’s light and fluffy. It should take about 5 minutes.

Use Fresh Eggs

I think using fresh eggs will give you the best results. They blend better and taste better.

Layer Evenly

But I can tell you that spreading the cream evenly between layers makes a prettier, more stable cake.

Chill Overnight

Let the cake chill overnight. The flavors meld together beautifully, and the texture firms up nicely.

Garnish Just Before Serving

Add your cocoa powder or chocolate shavings just before serving. It keeps the garnish fresh and vibrant.

Experiment with Flavors

I think adding a hint of cinnamon or nutmeg to the cream can give a lovely twist to the classic flavor.

10 Creative Ways to Use Ingredient Substitutes for Bolo de Bolacha

bolo de bolacha maria com café
bolo de bolacha maria com café

Butter Alternative

I don’t know how you feel about experimenting, but using coconut oil instead of butter can add a nice tropical twist to the cream.

Sugar Swap

I think using honey or maple syrup in place of powdered sugar can give a natural sweetness in bolo de bolacha com leite condensado.

Coffee Change

But I can tell you that using decaf coffee works just as well if you want to avoid caffeine. It won’t alter the taste much.

Egg-Free Version

If you need an egg-free option, use a flaxseed or chia seed mixture. I think it holds the cream together nicely.

Gluten-Free Biscuits

Use gluten-free biscuits instead of Maria biscuits for those with gluten intolerance. They soak up the coffee just as well.

Vegan Cream

I think coconut cream can be a great substitute for the butter and egg cream if you want a vegan option.

Non-Dairy Milk

But I can tell you that almond milk or soy milk works perfectly for soaking the biscuits if you’re avoiding dairy.

Natural Flavoring

For a different twist, use natural vanilla extract or almond extract instead of vanilla. It gives a unique flavor profile.

Low-Calorie Sweetener

If you’re watching calories, stevia or erythritol can replace powdered sugar without compromising the taste.

Fresh Fruit Layers

Adding layers of fresh fruit like strawberries or raspberries can enhance the flavor and add a refreshing twist.

Common Questions

1. What is nicaraguan cacao?

Nicaraguan cacao is a high-quality cacao bean known for its rich flavor and used in various traditional drinks and chocolates.

2. What is the history of cacao in Nicaragua?

Cacao has been cultivated in Nicaragua for centuries, dating back to the indigenous populations who valued it for its flavor and nutritional benefits.

3. What is cacao drink made of?

Cacao drink is typically made from ground cacao beans, water or milk, and sweeteners like sugar or honey.

4. Is it OK to drink cacao?

Yes, it’s okay to drink cacao; it’s nutritious and offers various health benefits.

5. Is cacao better morning or night?

I think cacao can be enjoyed both in the morning and at night, but its mild stimulant effect might be better for the morning.

6. What are the benefits of drinking cacao?

Cacao is rich in antioxidants, boosts mood, and supports heart health.

7. What was cacao used for?

Cacao was historically used as currency and in ceremonial drinks by ancient Mesoamerican civilizations.

8. What country is known for cacao?

I think countries like Ivory Coast and Ghana are known for their large cacao production, but Nicaragua is noted for quality beans.

9. Who invented cacao drink?

The ancient Mayans and Aztecs are credited with creating the first cacao drinks.

10. What is bolo de bolacha recipe?

Bolo de bolacha is a Portuguese dessert made with layered Maria biscuits soaked in coffee and filled with a creamy mixture.


Enjoy every bite of this bolo de bolacha, where each layer tells a story of rich flavors and sweet moments. Happy indulging!

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