Easy Claxton Fruit Cake Recipe

Try our easy Claxton fruit cake recipe! Rich, fruity, and perfect for any occasion. Bake something special today! 🍒🍰 #ClaxtonFruitCake #FruitCakeRecipe #EasyBaking

simple Claxton Fruit Cake Recipe
simple Claxton Fruit Cake Recipe

Hey everyone! I’m really excited to share this Easy Claxton Fruit Cake Recipe with you. I don’t know about you, but I love a good fruit cake, especially when it’s packed with yummy flavors.

This recipe is simple and delicious. It has all the best stuff, like sweet candied fruit and a little touch of rum. The Claxton Fruit Cake is perfect for any special occasion, whether it’s a birthday or just a treat for yourself.

If you’re looking for other options, you might also like an eggless plum cake or a vegan fruit cake. There are so many great choices out there, like a gluten-free fruit cake. But this Claxton Fruit Cake is one of the best fruitcakes you can make!

I’d love to hear how it turns out for you. Feel free to share your thoughts or let me know if you try it out!

How did I learn this dish?

I found this easy claxton fruit cake recipe by chance, and I think it’s fantastic! I don’t know how it happened, but I’m so glad I found it. I remember my aunt made this fruit cake for a family get-together, and everyone loved it. I just had to learn how to make it myself!

Here’s a little story: At that family party, my aunt brought this amazing fruit cake. It was so tasty that I had to ask her for the recipe. She shared her secrets, and now I make it all the time. It’s perfect for special occasions, and it always makes people smile.

A bit about where claxton fruit cake 16 ounce (3 pack) comes from: The claxton fruit cake is a classic treat, especially around the holidays. It’s been enjoyed for many years, and people still love it today. You can read more about fruit cakes on their Wikipedia page.

Here are a few fun facts claxton fruit cake history:

  • Long-Time Favorite: Fruit cakes have been a part of celebrations for a very long time. Check out more on fruit cakes.

  • Tradition: Claxton fruit cake is a special part of holiday traditions.

  • New Twists: Nowadays, you can also find things like vegan fruit cake or gluten-free fruit cake.

If you enjoyed this recipe, you might also like our previous article on Range Rattlers Saltgrass, where we explore another tasty treat. I’d love to hear how your fruit cake turns out! Share your thoughts or any special touches you add. Let’s keep talking and make our fruit cakes the best they can be!

one pot Claxton Fruit Cake Recipe
one pot Claxton Fruit Cake Recipe


Ready to impress your family and friends with a treat that’s both delicious and unforgettable? Dive into this classic fruitcake recipe, and let’s create something magical together!

Category: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Serving: 6 servings
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes
Calories: Approximately 300 calories per serving


Flour: 1 cup
Sugar: 1 cup
Butter: 1/2 cup
Eggs: 2 large
Mixed dried fruit: 1 cup
Candied cherries: 1/4 cup
Nuts (e.g., walnuts or pecans): 1/4 cup
Rum: 1/4 cup
Baking powder: 1 teaspoon
Spices (e.g., cinnamon, nutmeg): 1 teaspoon total
Salt: 1/4 teaspoon


Mixing bowls
Measuring cups
Measuring spoons
Spoon or spatula
8-inch round baking pan

Method of Instruction

Step 1: Start by washing your hands thoroughly. It’s always important to begin with clean hands to ensure your cake turns out perfect.

Step 2: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). This will make sure it’s nice and hot when your cake goes in.

Step 3: In a mixing bowl, cream together 1/2 cup butter and 1 cup sugar until light and fluffy. This usually takes about 3 minutes.

Step 4: Beat in 2 large eggs, one at a time, until well combined.

Step 5: In a separate bowl, mix 1 cup of flour with 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 1 teaspoon of mixed spices, and 1/4 teaspoon of salt.

Step 6: Gradually add the dry ingredients to the butter mixture, mixing until just combined.

Step 7: Fold in 1 cup of mixed dried fruit, 1/4 cup of candied cherries, and 1/4 cup of nuts.

Step 8: Pour in 1/4 cup of rum and mix until everything is well combined. If you prefer a non-alcoholic version, you can skip the rum or use a bit of fruit juice instead.

Step 9: Pour the batter into an 8-inch round baking pan that’s been greased and floured. Smooth the top with a spatula.

Step 10: Bake in the preheated oven for 45 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

Step 11: Let the cake cool in the pan for about 10 minutes before transferring it to a wire rack to cool completely.

And there you have it! Making this easy claxton fruit cake is a breeze, and the result is a moist, flavorful cake that’s perfect for any occasion.

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Recipe Video

Original claxton fruit cake recipe:

This is the video about how to easy claxton fruit cake recipe at home.

Platin’ It With Wendy

Rated: 4.1 of 5.0 from 132 reviews.


I’m super excited to share some fun and tasty ways to enjoy your easy claxton fruit cake! I don’t know about you, but I think serving this cake in different ways can really make it shine. My goal is to help you make the most out of this delicious treat, and I’m thrilled to offer you these creative ideas!

A Classic Twist

I love serving my claxton fruit cake with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream. It’s a simple way to add a touch of sweetness and creaminess to each bite. My family always raves about this combo!

Fruit Cake Parfaits

I find that layering chunks of fruit cake with Greek yogurt and fresh fruit makes for a delightful parfait. It’s a fun and healthy twist that adds a refreshing touch to the rich fruit cake. I enjoy making these for breakfast or a light dessert!

Fruit Cake Cheesecake

I tried mixing pieces of the claxton fruit cake into a cheesecake batter once, and let me tell you, it was amazing! It blends the best of both worlds and is a hit at any gathering. I think you’ll love this fusion of flavors.

Tropical Sundae

I’m always drawn to tropical flavors, so I top my fruit cake with pineapple or coconut ice cream. The fruity, tropical taste is a perfect match for the dense fruit cake. It’s a treat that brings a bit of summer into any season!

Fruit Cake Trifle

I enjoy making a trifle by layering my claxton fruit cake with custard and fresh fruit. It’s a lovely, elegant dessert that’s perfect for special occasions. My guests always appreciate this classic dessert with a fruity twist.

Sweet and Savory Skewers

I’ve had so much fun making sweet and savory skewers with chunks of fruit cake, cheese, and fresh fruit. It’s a playful and delicious way to serve the cake, and it’s always a hit at parties!

Vegan Delight

I know some people prefer vegan options, so I often serve my fruit cake with dairy-free whipped cream or fruit compote. It’s a great way to ensure everyone can enjoy the treat, no matter their dietary preferences.

Eggless Fruit Cake Treat

When I’m making an eggless version of the fruit cake, I like to pair it with eggless vanilla pudding. It adds an extra layer of sweetness and makes the dessert even more delightful.

Fruit Cake Cookies

I once turned slices of my fruit cake into cookies by baking them with a bit of powdered sugar. It’s a creative way to enjoy the cake in a more portable form, and they make great little treats!

Personalized Fruit Cake

I love decorating individual slices of my claxton fruit cake with royal icing or a sprinkle of nuts and dried fruit. It’s a fun way to make each slice feel special and add a bit of extra flair!

I can’t wait for you to try these serving ideas and see how they work for you. I hope you find them as exciting and delicious as I do! If you have your own creative ways to serve fruit cake, I’d love to hear about them. Let’s make each slice of this easy claxton fruit cake a unique experience!


homemade Claxton Fruit Cake Recipe
homemade Claxton Fruit Cake Recipe

Choose Quality Ingredients

When I make my claxton fruit cake, I always use high-quality fruit and nuts. It makes a big difference in taste! Try to get the best fruit cake mix and candied fruit for fruitcake you can find.

Soak Your Fruit

I like to soak my dried fruits in a bit of juice or rum before mixing them into the cake batter. This makes the fruit plump and juicy, adding extra flavor to your easy claxton fruit cake.

Use Fresh Spices

For the best flavor, I always use fresh spices in my fruit cakes. Ground cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves add a warm and inviting taste. My tip is to grind your own spices if you can!

Don’t Overmix the Batter

I’ve learned that overmixing can make the cake dense. I mix just until the ingredients are combined. It keeps my claxton fruit cake light and fluffy.

Line Your Pan

To make sure your fruit cake comes out of the pan easily, I line it with parchment paper. This simple step helps prevent sticking and makes cleanup a breeze!

Bake at the Right Temperature

I always bake my fruit cake at a low temperature to ensure even cooking. It helps prevent burning and keeps the cake moist. My trick is to use an oven thermometer to make sure my oven is at the right temperature.

Test for Doneness

I use a toothpick to check if my cake is done. When I insert it into the center of the cake, it should come out clean. This ensures that my claxton fruit cake is baked perfectly.

Store Properly

I keep my fruit cake in an airtight container to keep it fresh. If I want to store it for a longer time, I wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and then foil. This helps preserve the flavors.

Add a Glaze

For an extra touch of sweetness, I sometimes brush my fruit cake with a simple glaze made of powdered sugar and milk. It adds a nice shine and a bit of extra sweetness!

Experiment with Flavors

I love experimenting with different flavors in my fruit cake. Adding a bit of pineapple, coconut, or even a touch of jamaican rum cake flavor can make the fruit cake even more exciting.

I hope these tips help you make the most out of your easy claxton fruit cake! I can’t wait for you to try them and see how they work for you. If you have any tips of your own, I’d love to hear them!

Ingredient Substitutes

best Claxton Fruit Cake Recipe
best Claxton Fruit Cake Recipe

Swap Out for Eggless Options

I don’t know how many times I’ve been asked for eggless recipes! If you’re looking for an eggless fruit cake, try using applesauce or mashed bananas as a substitute for eggs. It keeps the cake moist and delicious, just like the original recipe!

Use Coconut Oil Instead of Butter

I’ve found that using coconut oil can give the cake a lovely, light texture. It’s a great swap if you’re looking for a dairy-free option or want a hint of tropical flavor in your claxton fruit cake.

Try Almond Flour for a Gluten-Free Twist

For those who need a gluten-free fruit cake, almond flour is a fantastic alternative. It adds a nutty flavor that pairs beautifully with the candied fruit for fruitcake. My experience is that it makes the cake a bit denser but still delightful!

Go for Date Paste Instead of Sugar

If you want a healthier option, try using date paste instead of regular sugar. It’s a natural sweetener and adds a rich, caramel-like flavor to your easy claxton fruit cake.

Add in Some Durian for a Unique Flavor

I think durian cake could be an exciting twist! If you’re adventurous, adding a bit of durian can give your fruit cake a unique and exotic flavor. It’s definitely not for everyone, but if you like bold tastes, give it a go!

Substitute Applesauce for Sweeteners

If you’re looking for a sugar-free fruit cake, applesauce can be a great substitute. It adds sweetness and moisture without any extra sugar, making your easy claxton fruit cake a bit healthier.

Use Fresh Fruit Instead of Candied Fruit

I sometimes prefer using fresh fruit in place of candied fruit for fruitcake. It gives a fresher taste and can be less sweet. Just make sure to adjust the baking time if you use fresh fruit!

Swap Rum for Non-Alcoholic Options

For a family-friendly version of your claxton fruit cake, try using non-alcoholic rum extract or a splash of apple juice instead of rum. It still gives a nice flavor without any alcohol.

Opt for Vegan Butter

If you’re making a vegan fruit cake, vegan butter is an excellent choice. It works just like regular butter but is made without animal products, making your easy claxton fruit cake vegan-friendly.

Experiment with Fruit Cake Mix Variations

I love experimenting with different fruit cake mix combinations. You can mix and match various fruits like pineapple and mango to add a unique twist to your claxton fruit cake. It’s all about finding the right balance for your taste!

I’m always thrilled to see how these substitutions turn out. If you have your own creative swaps, I’d love to hear them!


What is in a Claxton fruit cake?

Claxton fruit cake contains a mix of fruits, nuts, spices, and often a touch of rum or brandy.

What are the green things in Claxton fruit cake?

The green things are usually candied cherries or green candied fruit.

What ingredient in fruitcake makes it last so long?

The high sugar and alcohol content help preserve fruitcake for a long time.

What is best to soak fruitcake?

Rum, brandy, or orange juice are popular choices to soak fruitcake.

Does fruitcake contain eggs?

Traditional fruitcake recipes often include eggs, but there are eggless versions available.

Who makes Claxton Fruit Cake?

Claxton Fruit Cake is made by Claxton Bakery, a company known for its fruitcakes.

What is the difference between light and dark fruitcake?

Light fruitcake uses lighter-colored fruits and nuts, while dark fruitcake includes darker fruits and often more molasses or brown sugar.

Is fruit cake healthy?

Fruitcake is high in sugar and calories, so it’s more of an occasional treat than a health food.

Do you refrigerate fruit cake?

Fruitcake can be stored at room temperature or refrigerated, especially if it contains alcohol.

Why is my homemade fruit cake dry?

A dry fruitcake could be due to overbaking or not enough moisture.

Why is my fruit cake heavy?

A heavy fruitcake might be dense because of too many fruits and nuts or not enough leavening.


This fruitcake isn’t just a dessert; it’s a piece of tradition and joy in every bite. Enjoy the warmth and memories it brings to your table!

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